Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 1- Paris (on the way to Italy)

It`s Autumn here in Paris, we flew for 14 hours from the Melbourne Airport to Abu Dhabi and another 7 hours after, to Paris.

Day 1: Were living in Paris for 2 weeks in an apartment before heading to Italy. The streets in Paris are very narrow and crowded with traffic.

When we first arrived we got settled in and walked around the streets of Paris it was hard to control Nicky-Noo because she kept on running up the street and bumping into strangers
but after an hour she just went to sleep. While wandering through the streets of Paris we came upon a cart selling crêpes which are like pancakes folded into a thick pizza shape stuffed with whatever you want. 

You can ask for chocolate and they put half a jar of melted chocolate in your crêpe.With our crêpes in hand we headed to the biggest church in Paris, Notredame.
We then returned to our apartment and went to sleep.
- Cas -

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting guys!!
    Im very jealous. Have a chocolate crêpe for me!
